Friday 23 September 2011

The Crying Game

We were concerned about Biscuit being so listless after the fight so we took a trip to the vet.  All is well, the ear is healing as it should...but Biscuit is a girl.  Uh-oh!  It seems rabbit vulvas look a lot different from human ones, but we had a good laugh at my failure of working out the sex of bunnies.  When we got home I thought it would a good idea to check Cookie's sex.  Turns out he's the boy - phew!

I thought people might like to learn from my fail so here's some advice on rabbits' private bits: female rabbits have a deep red vulva that protrudes when you press on their genital area, as will the boy's penis.  Rabbit testicles are hard to locate but once you find the penis, you'll find them on either side.

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