Friday 23 September 2011

The Crying Game

We were concerned about Biscuit being so listless after the fight so we took a trip to the vet.  All is well, the ear is healing as it should...but Biscuit is a girl.  Uh-oh!  It seems rabbit vulvas look a lot different from human ones, but we had a good laugh at my failure of working out the sex of bunnies.  When we got home I thought it would a good idea to check Cookie's sex.  Turns out he's the boy - phew!

I thought people might like to learn from my fail so here's some advice on rabbits' private bits: female rabbits have a deep red vulva that protrudes when you press on their genital area, as will the boy's penis.  Rabbit testicles are hard to locate but once you find the penis, you'll find them on either side.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Saturday afternoon's alright for fighting

So we let the bunnies out for their daily exercise in the garden when 20 minutes in we find fur all over the place.  We think it strange so keep an eye on them, then they start fighting again.

Poor Biscuit now has a huge scratch down his ear and seems terrified of Cookie, so we got them into their hutches and Biscuit will be receiving some extra TLC.  A few minutes before, Biscuit was seen hopping into Cookie's hutch so it seems she wasn't too happy about that!

We weren't expecting them to fight as they are brother and sister and previously seemed so close, but we've had to take the sad decision to separate them for now.  The vet will be getting a call on Monday as Biscuit is now old enough to be neutered.  Cookie will have to wait until she's six months old to be spayed, but if we keep them apart for now hopefully we can avoid more fights.

Friday 16 September 2011


No, not this guy's horse, the other sort!  For the uninitiated, a binky is the adorable little jump for joy bunnies make when they are happy.

We've had Cookie and Biscuit for a week now and were rewarded with our first binky from Cookie on Wednesday.  We thought at first it was because they were overjoyed Hurricane Katia had gone and they could play in the garden again, but when I went out last night to the hutch with their supper, I was rewarded with another binky from Biscuit.

It's now official - our bunnies are growing to love us :D

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Getting to know you...

We decided that we should give the bunnies a proper cuddle so we can get more acquainted. Mine wasn't keen and soon legged it, but hubby has a new friend. They had a lovely time having a proper snuggle, with his rabbit claiming the back of the couch.

Saturday 10 September 2011


Today I let the rabbits explore their new garden.  The poor wee scones keep getting spooked by planes going over and would hide if I came into the garden with them, but they are having a lovely time munching on clover.

Friday 9 September 2011

Sniff sniff

Here's one of the bunnies having a sniff around the kitchen floor while the other hides under the table.

"Rats! Hairy Japanese bastards!"*

*Quote courtesy of Father Jack Hackett

We are now the proud owners of two beautiful pedigree French Lops.  They're still nervous but seemed a lot calmer this morning when I went out with their breakfast!

My husband wanted to call them Chas n Dave and I wanted to call one Sampras, but our daughter won with Cookie and Biscuit.  We can't tell them apart yet so we haven't named them individually yet, but I'm sure we will get to know them better very soon.

Here's some pictures of the new arrivals: