Friday 22 June 2012

Rain, rain, go away

Today our weather has been pretty bad, even for a Scottish summer.  Since about 9.30 am we've had one thunderstorm after another, with enough rain to make me consider knocking a boat together.  The bunnies were looking really miserable despite their nice cosy hutch and waterproof cover over their run, so I brought them in.  Biscuit hates people so instantly ran off to shake herself dry under the kitchen, table, but poor wee Sampras needed a helping hand:

 "Ahh, this is nice!  I bet I get a cuddle after I'm dried off too"
 The ever suspicious Biscuit
Improvisation ftw
Your average Scottish summer x 10

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Dandelion frenzy!

My mum had an impressive infestation of dandelions in her garden after the rain.  Ever the opportunist, I decided to harvest them as a wee treat for the bunnies, who nommed the lot in record time:


  .....30 seconds later

What do you mean, there's no more?